Velvet Android: SkyTower, Auckland
Velvet Android: Auckland city centre across the harbour
Velvet Android: CIvic Theatre, SkyTower and banner advertising the afternoon's cricket!
Velvet Android: Night-time SkyTower
Velvet Android: SkyTower before I climbed it
Velvet Android: SkyTower Vertigo Climb
Velvet Android: Climbing SkyTower
Velvet Android: Mission accomplished
Velvet Android: Me and the harbour bridge
Velvet Android: Vertigo!!
Velvet Android: SkyTower after I climbed it
Velvet Android: SkyTower through the Sky Jump landing pad
Velvet Android: SkyTower at dusk
Velvet Android: SkyCity 10th Birthday fireworks
Velvet Android: SkyCity 10th Birthday fireworks
Velvet Android: SkyCity 10th Birthday fireworks
Velvet Android: SkyCity 10th Birthday fireworks
Velvet Android: SkyCity 10th Birthday fireworks
Velvet Android: SkyCity 10th Birthday fireworks
Velvet Android: SkyCity 10th birthday fireworks
Velvet Android: The harbour bridge and marina from the SkyTower
Velvet Android: View down to Auckland Central Backpackers hostel
Velvet Android: Rangitoto and the harbour from the Sky Deck
Velvet Android: 99880032
Velvet Android: Tom on the SkyTower's glass floor
Velvet Android: Harbourfront from SkyTower
Velvet Android: Downtown from the Sky Deck
Velvet Android: 99880034
Velvet Android: 99880035
Velvet Android: Sunset from the Sky Deck