A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3066 Covent Garden..Discussions on how it was done..
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3065 Covent Garden...Floating Art Work..Please move....
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3063 Covent Garden..Floating Art Work..
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3062 Covent Garden..Floating Art Work
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3165 Eyes Left...
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3163 Taking it Easy..
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3164 On the beat..
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3123 Tourist Attraction..
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3122 Easy Riders..
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3184 Autumn is piling up..
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3189 Pretty..
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3182 A bit of breeze and i'll be off..
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3181 Leaf me alone...
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3128... 90...
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3125 Reflecting on Life..
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3124 Reflecting on Life..
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3207 Shadows...
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3199 London..somethings up
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3203 Odeon Cinema Shaftesbury Avenue....London..
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3209 The Palace Theatre...London..
A.P.PHOTOGRAPHY.: IMG_3198 .. The Shaftesbury Theatre.. London