MarthaK: Avery and Matt 7*14*2012
MarthaK: Avery with Cindy 7*14*2012
MarthaK: Chel and Avery 7*14*2012
MarthaK: Avery just a few hours old 7*14*2012
MarthaK: Family surrounding the Momma - Aunts, Nieces, Cousins, Grandmammas and a Great Grandmother!
MarthaK: All the Pregnant Friends at the Shower!
MarthaK: Friends!
MarthaK: The whole group!
MarthaK: Lovely Brianna - so animated. Blessing the event.
MarthaK: Sisters by marriage, and choice.
MarthaK: A gorgeous party dress with a bonnet, from Matt's Grandmother/Avery's Great-Grandmother
MarthaK: A Niece Moment
MarthaK: Such a stylish baby!
MarthaK: A lovely bag personalized for the baby to come - Avery!
MarthaK: Squishy doll!
MarthaK: Card from her Mom, which of course brought a tear or two.
MarthaK: Cute Clothes, Continued
MarthaK: Beautiful Cozy Blanket from the same Friend!
MarthaK: Sweet knitted hat from a friend!
MarthaK: Very grateful for the practical items, too!
MarthaK: More cute Girl Clothes!
MarthaK: Cute Girl Clothes
MarthaK: Fluffy knitted booties garnishing a gift!
MarthaK: Matching MaryJanes from Auntie M.
MarthaK: A knitted sweater/Jacket knitted with love by Auntie M.
MarthaK: Niece Stephanie and her Auntie M.
MarthaK: Michelle's Niece Moraine and HER Auntie M.
MarthaK: Gifts!
MarthaK: Lovely gifties
MarthaK: Momma Michelle and her lovin' Auntie M.