MarthaK: ApproachingEbbetts
MarthaK: Gs_Backyard
MarthaK: Ebbetts_Snowpond
MarthaK: DeadfallTree_nearEbbetts
MarthaK: GMTM_Murphys
MarthaK: g&m_Murphys
MarthaK: Liberty Road Skies
MarthaK: Highway Skies - Spring, San Joaquin County, CA
MarthaK: Highway 88 - stunning skies
MarthaK: Baby Vineyard, Liberty Road
MarthaK: Liberty Road - Spring Skies
MarthaK: Lupines - Sheep Ranch Road
MarthaK: That Stump on Sheep Ranch Rd and Lupines
MarthaK: That Hairpin Curve- Sheep Ranch Road
MarthaK: Roiling Murphys Skies
MarthaK: Murphys Spring Skies
MarthaK: Stunning Spring Skies - SHeep Ranch Road
MarthaK: Inadvertant still life on the road
MarthaK: Driving to Murphys
MarthaK: Infant Vinyard, Liberty road
MarthaK: Stage Right - "Midsummer" Set in progress
MarthaK: Stage Left - "Midsummer" Set in progress
MarthaK: "Midsummer" set, in progress
MarthaK: Midsummer Night's Dream set in progress
MarthaK: House left, Murphys Creek Theatre
MarthaK: House Right, Murphys Creek Theatre
MarthaK: Very Odd Caterpillar - Western Tussock Moth
MarthaK: Across the canyon from Mercer Caverns. Murphys
MarthaK: Across the canyon from Mercer Caverns. Murphys
MarthaK: Across the canyon from Mercer Caverns. Murphys