Bollo58: Medusa Mushroom [Agaricus bohusii] - Bicton Botanical Gardens 06-11-2019 15-49-01
Bollo58: False Chanterelle [Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca] - Bicton Botanical Gardens 06-11-2019 15-48-15
Bollo58: False Chanterelle [Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca] - Bicton Botanical Gardens 06-11-2019 15-48-12
Bollo58: Medusa Mushroom [Agaricus bohusii] - Bicton Botanical Gardens 06-11-2019 15-47-36
Bollo58: Tawny Funnel [Lepista flaccida] - Bicton Botanical Gargens 06-11-2019 15-47-12
Bollo58: Clouded Funnel [Clitocybe nebularis] - Bicton Botanical Gardens 06-11-2019 15-16-24
Bollo58: Clouded Funnel [Clitocybe nebularis] - Bicton Botanical Gardens 06-11-2019 15-16-09
Bollo58: Tawny Funnel [Lepista flaccida] - Bicton Botanical Gargens 06-11-2019 15-03-41
Bollo58: Spectacular Rustgill [Gymnopilus junonius] - Bicton Botanical Gardens 06-11-2019 15-01-41
Bollo58: Spectacular Rustgill [Gymnopilus junonius] - Bicton Botanical Gardens 06-11-2019 15-01-21
Bollo58: Wood Cauliflower Fungi [Sparassis crispa] - Bicton Botanical Gardens 06-11-2019 14-59-49
Bollo58: Clouded Agaric [Clitocybe nebularis] - Westonbirt Arboretum 01-11-2019 15-41-24
Bollo58: Clouded Agaric [Clitocybe nebularis] - Westonbirt Arboretum 01-11-2019 12-59-37
Bollo58: Hen of the Woods [Grifola frondosa] - Exmouth 22-10-2019 14-35-24.png
Bollo58: Hen of the Woods [Grifola frondosa] - Exmouth 22-10-2019 14-34-22.png
Bollo58: Common Earthball Fungi [Scleroderma citrinum] - EWT Fingringhoe NR 08-10-2019 14-39-009
Bollo58: Common Earthball Fungi [Scleroderma citrinum] - EWT Fingringhoe NR 08-10-2019 14-38-07
Bollo58: Sulphur Tuft [Hypholoma fasciculare] - EWT Fingringhoe NR 08-10-2019 14-10-58
Bollo58: Sulphur Tuft [Hypholoma fasciculare] - EWT Fingringhoe NR 08-10-2019 14-10-56
Bollo58: Parasol Mushroom [Macrolepiota procera] - EWT Fingringhoe NR 08-10-2019 13-07-35
Bollo58: Parasol Mushroom [Macrolepiota procera] - EWT Fingringhoe NR 08-10-2019 13-07-21
Bollo58: Conifer Tuft [Hypholoma capnoides] - EWT Fingringhoe NR 08-10-2019 11-22-03
Bollo58: Conifer Tuft [Hypholoma capnoides] - EWT Fingringhoe NR 08-10-2019 11-16-51
Bollo58: Pale Brittlestems [Psathyrella candolleana] - RSPB Strumpshaw Fen 04-10-2019 13-39-07
Bollo58: Pale Brittlestems [Psathyrella candolleana] - RSPB Strumpshaw Fen 04-10-2019 13-39-03
Bollo58: Conifer Mazegill [Gloephyllum sepiarium] - RSPB Strumpshaw Fen 04-10-2019 13-17-026
Bollo58: Conifer Mazegill [Gloephyllum sepiarium] - RSPB Strumpshaw Fen 04-10-2019 13-17-24
Bollo58: Golden Scalycap [Pholiota aurivella] - RSPB Strumpshaw Fen 04-10-2019 11-03-010
Bollo58: Golden Scalycap [Pholiota aurivella] - RSPB Strumpshaw Fen 04-10-2019 11-02-52
Bollo58: Golden Scalycap [Pholiota aurivella] - RSPB Strumpshaw Fen 04-10-2019 11-02-053