cpf1: Aspen leaves in the wild in October
cpf1: Steller's jay: Cyanocitta stelleri (Gmelin, 1788)
cpf1: Paradrymonia campostyla (Leeuwenb.) Wiehler
cpf1: Passiflora vitifolia Kunth
cpf1: Episcia sphalera Leeuwenb.
cpf1: Philodendron squamiferum Poepp. & Endl.
cpf1: fruits of Perebea guianensis Aubl.
cpf1: Drymonia serrulata Mart.
cpf1: Monstera barrieri Croat, Moonen & Poncy
cpf1: Monstera barrieri Croat, Moonen & Poncy
cpf1: Monstera barrieri Croat, Moonen & Poncy
cpf1: Passiflora rufa Feuillet & J.M. MacDougal
cpf1: Liriodendron tulipifera L., tulip tree
cpf1: Spigelia marilandica (L.) L.
cpf1: Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
cpf1: Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
cpf1: Monotropa uniflora L.
cpf1: Melocactus in the wild
cpf1: Melocactus in the wild
cpf1: Melocactus in the wild
cpf1: Calotropis procera Dryand.
cpf1: Calotropis procera Dryand.
cpf1: Fruit in the wild
cpf1: Cordia sebestena L.
cpf1: Umbilicus rupestris (Salisb.) Dandy (weedy)
cpf1: Lichens
cpf1: Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Benth. 1838 var. miniata (thank you Mark for the ID)
cpf1: Sedum divergens S. Watson
cpf1: 17-year cycadas
cpf1: 17-year cycadas