javanali: The lumber is here!
javanali: South wall
javanali: SW corner
javanali: I joists for 1st floor
javanali: floor joists and stairwell
javanali: NW corner
javanali: basement walls and 1st floor
javanali: deck beams and posts
javanali: Deck joists
javanali: the walls are up
javanali: custom curves
javanali: window opening
javanali: watch out for the skyhook
javanali: big logs in front yard
javanali: setting purlins
javanali: the front deck
javanali: from SE corner
javanali: the purlins are up and braced
javanali: from the road
javanali: from NE corner
javanali: beam and support posts for loft
javanali: roof decking going on
javanali: ne corner, rafters up, fascia and decking going on
javanali: rafters going on west gable
javanali: stairs to loft
javanali: getting ready for windows
javanali: NE corner of house
javanali: windows in S. side
javanali: West side siding
javanali: Last day for me