Shun/N: 仁和寺 -仁王門金剛力士像-
Shun/N: 浅草寺 -雷神と風神-
Shun/N: 仁和寺 -多聞天・持国天-
Shun/N: 四天王寺 -中門金剛力士像-
Shun/N: 東福寺 -本堂天井雲龍図-
Shun/N: 法観寺 -阿閦如来像-
Shun/N: 薬師寺-二天王像-
Shun/N: 当尾石仏群-木漏日(三体地蔵)
Shun/N: 法隆寺-仁王像
Shun/N: Okuribi -大文字山
Shun/N: Niou of Kouryuji temple
Shun/N: Great statue of Buddha of Todaiji temple
Shun/N: Niou of Todaiji temple
Shun/N: Four Devas Statues of Todaiji temple
Shun/N: Two Buddha statues of Todaiji temple
Shun/N: Asuka-dera temple Buddha statue
Shun/N: Asuka-dera temple Buddha statue
Shun/N: Serious and Smile -Otagi nenbutsuji temple
Shun/N: Each wish -Otagi nenbutsuji Temple
Shun/N: Hold autumn
Shun/N: Niou of Otagi nenbutsuji Temple
Shun/N: Two guardian deities of children (Sanzen-in)
Shun/N: Two guardian deities of children (Sanzen-in)