Shun/N: 興福寺 -五重塔-
Shun/N: 興福寺 -遠景-
Shun/N: 長谷寺 -春の床紅葉-
Shun/N: 長谷寺 -一切経堂-
Shun/N: 長谷寺 -五重塔-
Shun/N: 長谷寺 -五重塔-
Shun/N: 薬師寺-二天王像-
Shun/N: 薬師寺-青葉-
Shun/N: 薬師寺-三重塔(西塔)-
Shun/N: 法隆寺-五重塔
Shun/N: 法隆寺-仁王像
Shun/N: Great statue of Buddha of Todaiji temple
Shun/N: Niou of Todaiji temple
Shun/N: Four Devas Statues of Todaiji temple
Shun/N: Two Buddha statues of Todaiji temple
Shun/N: Deer of the errand of God
Shun/N: Kasuga Taisha Shrine
Shun/N: Stone lantern of Kasuga Taisha Shrine
Shun/N: Thirteen-storeyed pagoda
Shun/N: Thirteen-storeyed pagoda
Shun/N: Tanzan-jinja Shrine_20150430_5924
Shun/N: Tanzan-jinja Shrine
Shun/N: Asuka-dera temple Buddha statue
Shun/N: Asuka-dera temple Buddha statue