Duck 1966: Waiting to start
Duck 1966: Steam on the field
Duck 1966: Cutting the wheat
Duck 1966: Pulling the Discs
Duck 1966: Cultivating
Duck 1966: International
Duck 1966: Early International
Duck 1966: Ploughing
Duck 1966: Twin City
Duck 1966: International Harvesting
Duck 1966: Cutting the Wheat
Duck 1966: Picking up the wheat
Duck 1966: Cutting
Duck 1966: Picking up the sheaves
Duck 1966: On the Case
Duck 1966: Titan
Duck 1966: Preparing the ground
Duck 1966: Lunchtime
Duck 1966: Grey Cat
Duck 1966: Fowler 25
Duck 1966: Working Fowler
Duck 1966: Water Supplier
Duck 1966: Lowering the plough
Duck 1966: Watching