Duck 1966: Hankie on the Spit
Duck 1966: Tea Break
Duck 1966: Going Ploughing
Duck 1966: Looking out
Duck 1966: Spitfire on the move
Duck 1966: Lunch
Duck 1966: A Harrowing experience
Duck 1966: Farm Lunch
Duck 1966: Ploughing up the field
Duck 1966: Watching the plough
Duck 1966: Pulling in the plough
Duck 1966: Admiring a Tractor
Duck 1966: Do your bit for the War
Duck 1966: Victory celebration
Duck 1966: Wartime Chat
Duck 1966: Straw cart
Duck 1966: High Speed Plough
Duck 1966: End of the pull
Duck 1966: The days end
Duck 1966: Off home
Duck 1966: Hitching a lift