Duck 1966: Climbing
Duck 1966: Over the Alps
Duck 1966: Uphill climb
Duck 1966: Keep it under your hat
Duck 1966: What we would like next
Duck 1966: Whats going on there then?
Duck 1966: Running in
Duck 1966: Life on the Southern
Duck 1966: Watching the world
Duck 1966: Looking out
Duck 1966: Come back soon
Duck 1966: Off on a train
Duck 1966: Conversation piece
Duck 1966: Tea time
Duck 1966: Tea break
Duck 1966: Arriving at Medstead
Duck 1966: Leaving
Duck 1966: Under the bridge
Duck 1966: Heading through
Duck 1966: Attacking the Alps
Duck 1966: Milepost 65
Duck 1966: In to the stride
Duck 1966: Wanders Curve
Duck 1966: Diverted freight