Duck 1966: Going nowhere till its clean.
Duck 1966: Last Picture.
Duck 1966: On the Ash Road.
Duck 1966: Last Light.
Duck 1966: After the Event.
Duck 1966: A Hall in the Shed
Duck 1966: In the Shadows.
Duck 1966: Out of the Limelight.
Duck 1966: Waiting for the Morning
Duck 1966: Put away for the night.
Duck 1966: You've missed a bit
Duck 1966: Looking in.
Duck 1966: Look what I've found.
Duck 1966: Star of the show.
Duck 1966: Inside the Shed.
Duck 1966: Timeline Photographer
Duck 1966: The Workers
Duck 1966: Tea breaks over.
Duck 1966: It just stopped
Duck 1966: Tea for two.
Duck 1966: Happy at Work.
Duck 1966: Look at this.
Duck 1966: Dirt everywhere.
Duck 1966: Chatting
Duck 1966: Great Western Pride.
Duck 1966: Lighting up
Duck 1966: Cleaning out the Smoke Box
Duck 1966: 4144
Duck 1966: Chatting up the cleaner.