northwright: Overlooking Sylvia Grennelle Park
northwright: keeping low
northwright: P1010467
northwright: P1010464
northwright: guardian...
northwright: P1010457
northwright: looking towards Apex
northwright: old Prop
northwright: Seen better days
northwright: Seen better days
northwright: Iqaluit
northwright: P1010570
northwright: P1010567
northwright: Apex, River?
northwright: Apex, River?
northwright: Apex, River?
northwright: P1010546_HDR
northwright: Warehouse
northwright: HBC Store, Apex
northwright: wonder where the kicker is
northwright: HBC Managers House, Apex
northwright: Folk on the Rocks, YFB style
northwright: Iqaluit