zzzpza_1: Waving good bye to the previous patrol
zzzpza_1: Starting her platrol unaware of the UFO.
zzzpza_1: The shadow pilot gets a warning from base.
zzzpza_1: Too late as the Ufo fires and hits her fighter
zzzpza_1: The fireball consumes her plane
zzzpza_1: Ejection seat painfully does it job
zzzpza_1: Parachute has successfully opened
zzzpza_1: She breathes a sigh of relief as the parachute opens
zzzpza_1: Ufo shoots off her parachute
zzzpza_1: Failing out of the sky
zzzpza_1: Placed in a holding field
zzzpza_1: Removing the shadow pilot from her suit
zzzpza_1: Holding her breath
zzzpza_1: Forcing the liquid into her lungs
zzzpza_1: Saved from the fall, but captured in a holding field
zzzpza_1: Waking up just as the alien helmet fills with fluid