International Growth Centre: IGC and the Kampala Capital City Authority @ the World Urban Forum
International Growth Centre: IGC and the Kampala Capital City Authority @ the World Urban Forum
International Growth Centre: IGC and the Kampala Capital City Authority @ the World Urban Forum
International Growth Centre: IGC and the Kampala Capital City Authority @ the World Urban Forum
International Growth Centre: IGC and the Kampala Capital City Authority @ the World Urban Forum
International Growth Centre: IGC and the Kampala Capital City Authority @ the World Urban Forum
International Growth Centre: IGC and the Kampala Capital City Authority @ the World Urban Forum
International Growth Centre: IGC and the Kampala Capital City Authority @ the World Urban Forum
International Growth Centre: IGC and the Kampala Capital City Authority @ the World Urban Forum
International Growth Centre: IGC and the Kampala Capital City Authority @ the World Urban Forum
International Growth Centre: IGC and the Kampala Capital City Authority @ the World Urban Forum