amandeep_jawa: Salvaging Disco Ball 5.0/4.0 to make Disco Ball 6.0
amandeep_jawa: Cleanup & Prepare for Gluing
amandeep_jawa: Pourable Foam
amandeep_jawa: Mirror Tile Sheets
amandeep_jawa: Cutting the sheets into strips
amandeep_jawa: MOAR strips
amandeep_jawa: Gluing the strips to the ball
amandeep_jawa: More gluing
amandeep_jawa: Offset tile pattern
amandeep_jawa: Disco Ball Enhanced Selfie!
amandeep_jawa: Partially Complete
amandeep_jawa: Protective strip of white gaffer tape
amandeep_jawa: Silver metal "tape"
amandeep_jawa: Arm hole close up