elizthany: Strip piecing/cutting/sewing at it's best ... #scrappytripalong
elizthany: Blocks #1&2 together! So fun! #scrappytripalong
elizthany: Block #1 #scrappytripalong
elizthany: 9/36 completed, with another 15 mid-assembly! #scrappytripalong
elizthany: 24/36 completed! #scrappytripalong child-free day tomorrow and I'm going to be busy!
elizthany: That's right, two embarrassingly large stacks of fabric with a steamy date tonight. #shouldhavemovedthetargetbag #scrappytripalong
elizthany: #scrappytripalong done! And thank goodness for tall husbands with really long arms!
elizthany: Officially done with my #scrappytripalong !!! Now to finish my weekender bag...
elizthany: Help! White or grey thread for quilting??? #scrappytripalong
elizthany: Quilt top done!!! #scrappytripalong
elizthany: 36 ironed blocks stack up to about 2.5 inches. Oh the things I know... #scrappytripalong