the tomographer: Children's toy of the decade
the tomographer: ...gravity is often visualized as curved space
the tomographer: Stadt-Wand-Kunst
the tomographer: Stadt-Wand-Kunst
the tomographer: Stadt-Wand-Kunst
the tomographer: Stadt-Wand-Kunst
the tomographer: Stadt-Wand-Kunst
the tomographer: Stadt-Wand-Kunst
the tomographer: Stadt-Wand-Kunst
the tomographer: Stadt-Wand-Kunst
the tomographer: Stadt-Wand-Kunst
the tomographer: Stadt-Wand-Kunst
the tomographer: Stadt-Wand-Kunst
the tomographer: Stadt-Wand-Kunst
the tomographer: Stadt-Wand-Kunst
the tomographer: Baba Zula IV
the tomographer: Baba Zula I
the tomographer: Baba Zula II
the tomographer: Baba Zula III
the tomographer: 95 m of brutalistic architecture
the tomographer: Russendisko III
the tomographer: Russendisko II
the tomographer: Russendisko I
the tomographer: Ghost dance
the tomographer: Cross-linked
the tomographer: Kurpfalzbrücke
the tomographer: Alter Messplatz
the tomographer: Alte Feuerwache and Collini-Center
the tomographer: Turning to Kurpfalzkreisel
the tomographer: Istanbul, Mannheim