bribriwaldron: Tom and Brendan harvesting
bribriwaldron: Tom explaining the finer points...
bribriwaldron: Stella and Brendan harvesting
bribriwaldron: Brian and the coffee tree
bribriwaldron: The coffee tree before its pruning
bribriwaldron: Brian and Carlyn harvesting
bribriwaldron: Stella and Brendan harvesting
bribriwaldron: Woolloomooloo Coffee
bribriwaldron: Woolloomooloo coffee on the tree
bribriwaldron: Woolloomooloo coffee on the tree
bribriwaldron: Brendan in Coffee
bribriwaldron: Woolloomooloo Coffee "cherries"
bribriwaldron: Tom harvesting
bribriwaldron: Tom harvesting from the pruned tree
bribriwaldron: Carklyn and Tom Harvesting the pruned tree
bribriwaldron: Brendan with the crop
bribriwaldron: IMG_3932
bribriwaldron: IMG_3935
bribriwaldron: IMG_3938
bribriwaldron: IMG_3939
bribriwaldron: IMG_3941
bribriwaldron: IMG_3944
bribriwaldron: IMG_3947
bribriwaldron: IMG_3948
bribriwaldron: IMG_3949
bribriwaldron: IMG_3950
bribriwaldron: IMG_3953
bribriwaldron: IMG_3954
bribriwaldron: IMG_3957
bribriwaldron: IMG_3958