calrow99: Living room Corner fireplace
calrow99: plastic wall (2)
calrow99: Fireplace mantel (before)
calrow99: Mantel cavity cleaned out (after)
calrow99: Fresh comb
calrow99: Bees in the mantel
calrow99: Brood
calrow99: two year hive??
calrow99: Hive exposed
calrow99: Newer comb with honey top
calrow99: excellent brood chamber
calrow99: comb mix
calrow99: embroy and larvae comb
calrow99: Comb sections where full sheets
calrow99: Large Drone cell
calrow99: Larvae and embryo (magnified)
calrow99: Comb mix
calrow99: Queen Cell two
calrow99: Queen Cell
calrow99: Dark comb cells
calrow99: Great comb design
calrow99: Right-side mantel cavity
calrow99: Left-side mantel cavity