fdeet_roo7ee: love me or leave me ...
fdeet_roo7ee: imagine ur life without me ... miserable huh !!!
fdeet_roo7ee: they say true luv hides behind every corner .. i must be walking in circles
fdeet_roo7ee: u can say u luv me .. but until u prove it the words mean nothin 2 me
fdeet_roo7ee: dont leAVe me alone .....
fdeet_roo7ee: dont walk n front of me ...
fdeet_roo7ee: why raise the roof when u can bring down the house !
fdeet_roo7ee: its hard being n the middle when yor friends have a fight ... ur only option is 2 stay out of it-out of it to the softer side
fdeet_roo7ee: شفت عمري خيال في سحابه
fdeet_roo7ee: ....إعتراف....