Luc1659: The Abbey of Notre-Dame de Sénanque on July 1, eight hundred years ago. (Middle Ages)
Luc1659: Jaipur
Luc1659: My Katmandu
Luc1659: The palace of the Popes after man’s extinction
Luc1659: Varese - Corso Matteotti after the death of man
Luc1659: Anno domini 3023
Luc1659: Utopia (Visconteo Bridge - Valeggio sul Mincio)
Luc1659: Chimera
Luc1659: Mimì (IA)
Luc1659: Matthew, the black dog (IA)
Luc1659: At sunset
Luc1659: The threesome
Luc1659: What kind are you?
Luc1659: In a thousand years
Luc1659: The Abbey of Notre-Dame de Sénanque between 500-600 years