WilPanta: Stair
WilPanta: Unusual "the shard of glass" view from Guy's hospital
WilPanta: brighton
WilPanta: 3/365HighQuality Geometry obsession!
WilPanta: Abstract
WilPanta: Greatest gate ever with zeiss planar 50mm 1.4, at F1.4
WilPanta: Unusual "the shard of glass" view
WilPanta: Abandoned old castle
WilPanta: Superga
WilPanta: Green
WilPanta: Piazzo
WilPanta: Biella piazzo church
WilPanta: Twins
WilPanta: Lasciate ogni speranza, o voi che entrate...
WilPanta: it's a long way to the top if you want to rock & roll
WilPanta: High Contrast
WilPanta: DSCF6314