My World Of Creations: Projecting through the umbrella
My World Of Creations: Projecting onto the floor
My World Of Creations: Projecting onto the artwork
My World Of Creations: Plastic sleeved lanyards
My World Of Creations: Lanyards hanging from the ceiling
My World Of Creations: Lanyards hanging from the ceiling
My World Of Creations: Lanyards hanging from the ceiling
My World Of Creations: Lanyards hanging from the ceiling
My World Of Creations: Lanyards suspended from umbrellas
My World Of Creations: Lanyards suspended from umbrellas
My World Of Creations: Lanyards suspended from umbrellas
My World Of Creations: Lanyards suspended from umbrellas
My World Of Creations: Upside down umbrella
My World Of Creations: People holding up umbrellas
My World Of Creations: Curtain fall umbrella
My World Of Creations: Curtain fall umbrella
My World Of Creations: Curtain fall umbrella
My World Of Creations: Tilted umbrellas
My World Of Creations: Tilted umbrellas
My World Of Creations: Upside down umbrella
My World Of Creations: Hot air balloon umbrella
My World Of Creations: Walkway umbrella
My World Of Creations: Walkway umbrella
My World Of Creations: Glastonbury umbrella
My World Of Creations: Glastonbury umbrella
My World Of Creations: Glastonbury umbrella