EAF-Nansen Programme: The “multi-net” is hauled from 200-0m at the deepest stations capturing zooplankton at different depth stratums
EAF-Nansen Programme: The sorting of the bottom trawl catch is done outdoors on the trawl deck
EAF-Nansen Programme: Oddgeir-Alvheim-is-looking-for-new-fish-species
EAF-Nansen Programme: Cruise leader Jens-Otto and the instrument engineer Jan Arne next to a phyotoplankton and WP2 net also in use duirng this survey.
EAF-Nansen Programme: Bouya collecting samples for analysis of dissolved oxygen in seawater from CTD-mounted bottles board RV ”Dr. Fridtjof Nansen”
EAF-Nansen Programme: Ana Ramos Martos and Sousana Soto de M-P, both from Spain are benthos specialists onboard and are setting up the benthos lab.
EAF-Nansen Programme: Sorting trawl catch
EAF-Nansen Programme: Bone and wook package preparation
EAF-Nansen Programme: Bone and wood package preparation
EAF-Nansen Programme: bone and wook package
EAF-Nansen Programme: the damaged multisampler on deck
EAF-Nansen Programme: Recovery of the large Ǻkratrawl.
EAF-Nansen Programme: Night time deployment of Bongo nets with SCANMAR sensors (red) of the starboard side of the ship.
EAF-Nansen Programme: Deployment of the HYDRO-BIOS multinet of the starboard side of the Dr Fridtjof Nansen
EAF-Nansen Programme: bone and wook package preparation
EAF-Nansen Programme: the mooring were deployed by the ship's crane over the side of the ship
EAF-Nansen Programme: bone and wook package preparation
EAF-Nansen Programme: scientific research
EAF-Nansen Programme: Scientist collecting samples
EAF-Nansen Programme: 1981 - Trawling
EAF-Nansen Programme: Benthic sampling _2011
EAF-Nansen Programme: 1998 Sorting the catch - Angola