EAF-Nansen Programme: NW Africa Survey 2015
EAF-Nansen Programme: Alioune, Mauritania. holding a Trichiurus lepturus
EAF-Nansen Programme: Working at sea is not always easy
EAF-Nansen Programme: Catch on deck. Local Cruise Leader, Salah, taking a sample of the fish caught
EAF-Nansen Programme: Sorting fish
EAF-Nansen Programme: Deborah, FAO, standing in the catch
EAF-Nansen Programme: Seabirds catching the fish released
EAF-Nansen Programme: NWAfrica Survey 2015
EAF-Nansen Programme: Isopod of the genus Ceratothoa often found on the black seabeam, Spondyliosoma cantharus.
EAF-Nansen Programme: Scientists in the lab. Vaino, Namibia, Deborah, FAO, and Mohammed, Morocco
EAF-Nansen Programme: Everyone met up in the kitchen for a birthday cake
EAF-Nansen Programme: Diana Zaera, IMR, explaining how to use a fishmeter
EAF-Nansen Programme: Vaino, Namibia, using the FishMeter
EAF-Nansen Programme: Mesuring fish with the FishMeter
EAF-Nansen Programme: Campogramma Glaycos _ Vadigo
EAF-Nansen Programme: R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen
EAF-Nansen Programme: Sunrise in Las Palmas
EAF-Nansen Programme: Cleaning the deck
EAF-Nansen Programme: Cleaning the deck and release the catch
EAF-Nansen Programme: IMR staff working on Deck
EAF-Nansen Programme: IMR Staff checking the net
EAF-Nansen Programme: Sorting the fish on deck_NW Africa Survey 2015
EAF-Nansen Programme: Diop counting the gill raker to identify a merluccius
EAF-Nansen Programme: Diop counting the gill raker to identify a merluccius