ralphhoyte: Zenpoji1
ralphhoyte: Yudono-san, Mountain of Rebirth
ralphhoyte: Vestal virgins, Hachiman Matsuri, Takayama
ralphhoyte: Vase at Eihei-ji
ralphhoyte: takadachi gikeido in Hiraizumi - where Yoshitsune died
ralphhoyte: taka23
ralphhoyte: taka17
ralphhoyte: Shinjuku, Tokyo, at night
ralphhoyte: ryokan
ralphhoyte: Roofs at Eihei-ji
ralphhoyte: red toriii at top of steps - Haguro-san
ralphhoyte: Radium Eggs
ralphhoyte: Pachinko parlour
ralphhoyte: Nobiru1
ralphhoyte: naruko4
ralphhoyte: mountain mist1
ralphhoyte: mountain mist rises off the valley
ralphhoyte: mountain god passes me on to forest god..
ralphhoyte: more bloody fish
ralphhoyte: Main Shrine, Haguro-san
ralphhoyte: Mae hotaka-dake from Asuza-gawa Valley
ralphhoyte: Mae hotaka dake from Karasawa scree
ralphhoyte: Kyobe-kyo - rotemburo
ralphhoyte: Kurobe-kyo Gorge3
ralphhoyte: Kurobe-kyo Gorge1
ralphhoyte: Ijima
ralphhoyte: Ijima Beach - Basho landed here in 1697
ralphhoyte: Hotaka dake sansoo - hut at 3000m
ralphhoyte: hotaka 9-4
ralphhoyte: hotaka 9-3