Nickcc: My first enema called Fleet
Nickcc: A few minutes after I heard I had a tumour
Nickcc: Blood in the loo
Nickcc: Blood in the loo
Nickcc: CT scan jab tube
Nickcc: CT scan injection tube
Nickcc: MRI scan room
Nickcc: Barium enema room
Nickcc: Post Bariun enema tea and biscuits
Nickcc: Tea while waiting for my man
Nickcc: Waiting for my man
Nickcc: Barium scan of bowel
Nickcc: Barium scan of bowel
Nickcc: Tumour in bowel
Nickcc: Tumour in bowel MRI scan
Nickcc: Mr DeFriend
Nickcc: DSC00904.JPG
Nickcc: Pre op testing
Nickcc: Testing my lungs
Nickcc: Cycling test results
Nickcc: Breathing test results