appearances can be deceptive: Thalys 4341 bij Breyell (D), 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: Talent prototype in Heerlen, 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: NS 1603 bij Amsterdam Muiderpoort, 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: NS DD-IRM 8462 bij Amsterdam Muiderpoort, 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: NSB Bm 68.30 bij Tyristrand(N), 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: NSB El16.2207 bij Vikersund(N), 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: NS 6457 in Dokka (N), 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: NS 6457 arriveert in Dokka (N), 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: Westbound CN Freight at Loos, B.C., Canada.
appearances can be deceptive: Dropping downgrade off Rogers Pass.
appearances can be deceptive: Hershey 3007 en 3011 in Hershey (Cuba), 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: Hershey Electric Railway in Hershey (Cuba), 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: SNCF CC 14195 in Woippy (F), 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: NS DE II 179 in Aachen Hbf (D), 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: ŽSR 131 067-1 in Margecany (SK), 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: ZSR 183 007-4 in Vychodná (SK), 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: SSN 23 023 in Utrecht Maliebaan, 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: Consolidation at Ciro Redondo (Cuba), 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: ZLSM B 1289 bij Schin op Geul, 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: Rocky Mountaineer at Jasper, Alberta, Canada.
appearances can be deceptive: Rocky Mountaineer near Craigellachie, Brits-Columbia, Canada.
appearances can be deceptive: 🇨🇺 Estación Central. Havana, Cuba, 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: Coupling tests at Lille Hellemmes (F), 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: NS 6423 en 6457 bij Roykenvik (N), 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: British Columbia Railway at Williams Lake, 1996.
appearances can be deceptive: Voorjaar in Meerssen
appearances can be deceptive: NSB El8.2060 bij Hokksund (N), 1996.