appearances can be deceptive: Shell locomotief nummer 1 in Pernis, 1973.
appearances can be deceptive: Shell locomotief nr. 2 in Pernis, 1971.
appearances can be deceptive: Dieselloc SMP 376 te Rotterdam, 1975.
appearances can be deceptive: Suikervervoer in de Eemshaven.
appearances can be deceptive: Industrielocomotief voor de RDM, 1972.
appearances can be deceptive: NS 609 bij RDM Rotterdam Heijplaat, 1972.
appearances can be deceptive: EKI 6001 in Zonguldak (TR), 1977.
appearances can be deceptive: Hoogovens K9-86 met intern transport, 1977.
appearances can be deceptive: Hoogovens K9-94 met ruwijzermenger, 1977.
appearances can be deceptive: Stoomlocomotief Zanen Verstoep in Ammerstol, 1975
appearances can be deceptive: Dieselloc SMP 376 te Rotterdam Beatrixhaven, 1975.
appearances can be deceptive: Locomotor 6, Hollandia Waalhaven, 1977.
appearances can be deceptive: Locomotor Hollandia Schroot, 1974.
appearances can be deceptive: Locomotor Hollandia schroot
appearances can be deceptive: Ruston & Hornsby locomotief in Waalhaven Pier 7, 1976.
appearances can be deceptive: Ruston & Hornsby locomotief in Waalhaven Pier 7, 1976.
appearances can be deceptive: RDM 1 Rotterdam Heijplaat, 1977.
appearances can be deceptive: RDM 2 Rotterdam Heijplaat, 1977.
appearances can be deceptive: NSS 2 in de duinen bij Katwijk, 1972.
appearances can be deceptive: L & V II in Haanrade, 1981.
appearances can be deceptive: Sugar Mill Engineshed | Motipur, Bihar, India.
appearances can be deceptive: Sugar Mill Engineshed | Motipur, Bihar, India.