teebone7: John Merritt Classic
teebone7: Time to Kick #@#@@#
teebone7: 69Reunionwakefieldsbufordmerritt classic 025
teebone7: energy 2 burn
teebone7: Charles and the burner
teebone7: Will's Woman
teebone7: John Merritt Classic
teebone7: John Merritt Classic
teebone7: he's going to figure it out
teebone7: "See", I can take other angles(fee)
teebone7: John Merritt Classic
teebone7: Southern after #29
teebone7: This is what happens when you get in #29's way.
teebone7: John Merritt Classic
teebone7: classic 2010 014
teebone7: classic 2010 019
teebone7: classic 2010 029
teebone7: classic 2010 032
teebone7: classic 2010 064