Linehaul Jnr:
Pronto's # 51 International at AADS
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Boral Mack maybe out of Carrum going past home
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Holcim 527 in the Readymix red
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old #7 from Broadway & Frame retiring in the sun at AADS
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Mack Value liner # 134 ex Pronto
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new Fruitliner waiting for a barrel at AADS maybe for Hi Tec
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old Vicmix UD xposed for all to see
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taken off the wall at AADS
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Holcim Mack going thru Hastings
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Broadway & Frame Iveco going thru Keysborough
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Holcim Iveco out of Hastings
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Dandy mix Tyabb Isuzu
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hers an oldie of Broadway & Frames Hino Fleeter found on the net for Truckboy
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Linehaul Jnr:
old Pioneer U D off internet
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old readymix aggi in for a refurb and a new life out in kooweerup
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Mack Metroliner
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Mack Metro Liner
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pirotta trucks
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Boral mixers
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Hanson Mack Vision semi mixer
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Pretty in pinkSterling twinsteer mixer
Linehaul Jnr:
Hansons twinsteer Mack
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Hytec baby Kenworth
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Hytec mixer range
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aussie semi mixer
Linehaul Jnr:
Boral Montrose
Linehaul Jnr:
Boral Montrose