Loadhan: Luna Lovegood
Loadhan: Stargate guys in the Dealer Room
Loadhan: Marcon 42
Loadhan: Marcon 42
Loadhan: Marcon 42
Loadhan: Psi-Cop
Loadhan: Marcon 42
Loadhan: Marcon 42
Loadhan: Trillian & Zaphod Beeblebrox (movie version)
Loadhan: The Cow encouraged the eating of sushi in the Con-Suite
Loadhan: Ithorian Jedi - Master Roron Corobb?
Loadhan: Jedi
Loadhan: Grand Admiral Thrawn, a Stormtrooper, and an Imperial Officer
Loadhan: Monkeys (and dolphins) in the Con-Suite
Loadhan: Krikkit Robot in the Con-Suite (Me)
Loadhan: Krikkit Robot with Curious George on its head (Me)
Loadhan: Krikkit Robot and its reflection (Me)
Loadhan: Power-suited warrior and slave
Loadhan: Intergalactic Hitchhiker
Loadhan: Intergalactic Hitchhiker
Loadhan: Irish Quidditch player and Viktor Krum
Loadhan: Harlequin
Loadhan: Fashionably Fantasy Victorian
Loadhan: Eccentrica Gallumbits - and her mother
Loadhan: A Visitor officer (and Visitor teddy bear) from "V"
Loadhan: Sora (I think) from "Kingdom Hearts"
Loadhan: Edward Elric crossed with Wrath?
Loadhan: LEGO BattleTech combat
Loadhan: Naval miniture tabletop in the Gaming Room
Loadhan: Naval miniture tabletop in the Gaming Room