Thomas Cantwell: Louisiana Waterthrush
Thomas Cantwell: Swainson's Warbler
Thomas Cantwell: Northern Waterthrush
Thomas Cantwell: Warm Flowers
Thomas Cantwell: Red Tulips
Thomas Cantwell: Blackbird walking among the flowers
Thomas Cantwell: Red-winged Blackbird
Thomas Cantwell: Leucistic Common Grackle
Thomas Cantwell: American Robin under the Magnolias
Thomas Cantwell: Magnolia bud
Thomas Cantwell: Purple Flower
Thomas Cantwell: Painted Bunting
Thomas Cantwell: Prothonotary Warbler
Thomas Cantwell: American Woodcock
Thomas Cantwell: Northern Cardinal
Thomas Cantwell: Mallard Drake
Thomas Cantwell: Northern Cardinal in the snow
Thomas Cantwell: Common Redpoll
Thomas Cantwell: Red-tailed Hawk in the thorns
Thomas Cantwell: White-breasted Nuthatch
Thomas Cantwell: Solitary Sandpiper
Thomas Cantwell: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Thomas Cantwell: American Redstart
Thomas Cantwell: Rock Pigeon
Thomas Cantwell: Blue-winged Warbler
Thomas Cantwell: Magnolia Warbler
Thomas Cantwell: Black-and-White Warbler
Thomas Cantwell: Common Yellowthroat
Thomas Cantwell: Smew, Prospect Park Zoo
Thomas Cantwell: Brown Creeper