fot_oKraM: IMG_9070
Gary L Warner: Joe Jones - Ars Electronica 1988
alexandra.grossman: Poppies (intentional camera movement)
fot_oKraM: _tilly
f/5.6ish: Film 365 - day 10 - The Itchen Navigation
GrunRad: Museumsdorf Niedersulz
Kelly Marciano: Winter Beachgrass
Rodney A. Johnson: Portals of the Past, Golden Gate Park (9/12/2010)
fot_oKraM: IMG_4772
fot_oKraM: IMG_4875
juliarholcomb: Holga Round V
fot_oKraM: IMG_3793
fot_oKraM: APC_0174
fot_oKraM: IMG_3034
fot_oKraM: IMG_6248
fot_oKraM: IMG_6573
pho-Tony: Secret Sam Spy Camera
pho-Tony: Secret Sam Spy Camera
fot_oKraM: _sunflowers
possible_area: Circuit Breaker
Ernest W Adams: Close-up of the Turing Bombe's rotors.
fot_oKraM: #wintersaat
agataurbaniak: Circuit Breaker
agataurbaniak: Circuit Breaker
schyter: Six Gates film ;/) pinhole
p_a_h: Circuit Breaker
alter1fo: CircuitBreaker@BarHic-alter1fo (1)
alter1fo: CircuitBreaker@BarHic-alter1fo (4)