Crafty Lady 37: Breakers Arch
Crafty Lady 37: Silhouette in the Arches
Crafty Lady 37: Breakers' Entrance
Crafty Lady 37: Gardens at the Breakers
Crafty Lady 37: Eagle's Birdbath
Crafty Lady 37: Okay, just spotted my prey!
Crafty Lady 37: Waiting for Dinner
Crafty Lady 37: Fascination with the Camels
Crafty Lady 37: Topiary Camels
Crafty Lady 37: Cliff Walk bridge in front of Rough Point
Crafty Lady 37: Newport Cottages
Crafty Lady 37: A former church now a library
Crafty Lady 37: Sunny Harbor
Crafty Lady 37: Catch the Wave!
Crafty Lady 37: 37 Steps Down!
Crafty Lady 37: Entrance to the Children's Playhouse
Crafty Lady 37: Views on Cliff Walk
Crafty Lady 37: Flag at the JFK Library
Crafty Lady 37: Bronze Democratic Donkey
Crafty Lady 37: Stand in Opposition
Crafty Lady 37: I Love Stairs!
Crafty Lady 37: Stairway in the State House
Crafty Lady 37: How could you resist this!
Crafty Lady 37: Yummy Fruit at Quincy Market
Crafty Lady 37: The Duck Tours!
Crafty Lady 37: Another Bronze Inlay
Crafty Lady 37: Bronze Glove in the Sidewalk
Crafty Lady 37: Zakim Bridge
Crafty Lady 37: We're obviously in the North End of Boston