JenniferKerns: Greg. Coalminer?
JenniferKerns: Kenny and Brian prepare to patch the roof where the old dormer stood
JenniferKerns: Kenny and Brian mid demo/roof repair
JenniferKerns: Looking down the hall toward our room
JenniferKerns: Brian fusses with the roof beneath the tarp
JenniferKerns: Greg clears the chute
JenniferKerns: Tarp maintenance
JenniferKerns: Our beloved dumpster
JenniferKerns: The beam that marks the south wall in Willa's room
JenniferKerns: Our room
JenniferKerns: Dresser alcove and closets
JenniferKerns: The north wall goes up
JenniferKerns: Our bedroom (home to building supplies)
JenniferKerns: Dresser alcove in our bedroom
JenniferKerns: Dark clouds and sucker holes
JenniferKerns: Weather coming from the north (snow)
JenniferKerns: North wall
JenniferKerns: Black sky at night (yes, those are snowflakes)
JenniferKerns: Snow through the eaves
JenniferKerns: More snow
JenniferKerns: Snow flies in through the open roof
JenniferKerns: Looking south through the stairwell
JenniferKerns: Our neighbors to the east
JenniferKerns: Looking south
JenniferKerns: Knob and tube
JenniferKerns: Chalk line
JenniferKerns: Brian multitasks
JenniferKerns: Brian listens
JenniferKerns: Kenny pontificates (ah, a sunny day!)
JenniferKerns: The remaining framing