fedglass fauxtostream / clicheographs exposed: Our backs to the wall - BLF members
fedglass fauxtostream / clicheographs exposed: Jet aircraft distrails & not contrails. Kinda odd.
fedglass fauxtostream / clicheographs exposed: Eddy. My very eccentric, very cool neighbor
fedglass fauxtostream / clicheographs exposed: Cadillac, Cadillac, Cadillac Style. Disco era landbarge
fedglass fauxtostream / clicheographs exposed: The film is too damn high movement!
fedglass fauxtostream / clicheographs exposed: One morning, one woman, three legs. In a park.... I must have been bored
fedglass fauxtostream / clicheographs exposed: They sure did a number on my car.