worldnaturephotos: Goliath Heron - Reuzenreiger - Ardea goliath
worldnaturephotos: Pin-tailed Whydah - Dominikanerwida - Vidua macroura
worldnaturephotos: Double-banded Sandgrouse - Dubbelbandzandhoen - Pterocles bicinctus
worldnaturephotos: Dusky Lark - Lijsterleeuwerik - Pinarocorys nigricans
worldnaturephotos: Striated Heron - Mangrovereiger - Butorides striatus
worldnaturephotos: Elephant - Olifant
worldnaturephotos: Lilac Breasted Roller
worldnaturephotos: Leopard - Luipaard
worldnaturephotos: Carmine bee-eater
worldnaturephotos: White Rhino - Witte Neushoorn - Ceratotherium simum
worldnaturephotos: Black Rhino - Zwarte Neushoorn - Diceros bicornis
worldnaturephotos: Lioness seen with 2 older cups
worldnaturephotos: Elephant playing in water on hot summerday
worldnaturephotos: Rainbow over the savanne from Krugerpark SA
worldnaturephotos: Redbilled Hornbill with Mopane Moth
worldnaturephotos: Walking Elephants
worldnaturephotos: Striped Cuckoo ( Levaillant's Cuckoo ) - Levaillants Koekoek
worldnaturephotos: Leopard - Luipaard
worldnaturephotos: Hoopoe - Upupa epops