SmartTextilesDesignLab: knotted EL wire
SmartTextilesDesignLab: EL wire example with button
SmartTextilesDesignLab: 2 color EL wire test
SmartTextilesDesignLab: EL tape defuse test with paper
SmartTextilesDesignLab: EL tape defuse test with paper
SmartTextilesDesignLab: EL tape defuse test with paper
SmartTextilesDesignLab: EL wire example
SmartTextilesDesignLab: EL wire with knitted tube
SmartTextilesDesignLab: metal knit structure to support
SmartTextilesDesignLab: metal knit structure to support
SmartTextilesDesignLab: EL wire with knitted tube
SmartTextilesDesignLab: EL wire with knitted tube
SmartTextilesDesignLab: true collaboration
SmartTextilesDesignLab: true collaboration
SmartTextilesDesignLab: true collaboration
SmartTextilesDesignLab: Kaisa and Juan's knotted EL wire
SmartTextilesDesignLab: Kaisa and Juan's knotted EL wire
SmartTextilesDesignLab: Kaisa and Juan's knotted EL wire