Pisces eyes: Pacific Swallow
Pisces eyes: Pacific Swallow
Pisces eyes: Honey bird
Pisces eyes: The Blue-winged leafbird (Chloropsis cochinchinensis)
Pisces eyes: Juvenile Snowy Brow Flycatcher.
Pisces eyes: Kingfisher
Pisces eyes: Little Heron
Pisces eyes: Little Heron
Pisces eyes: Little Heron
Pisces eyes: Little Heron 1.
Pisces eyes: Little Heron 2.
Pisces eyes: Little Heron 3.
Pisces eyes: A flying Heron.
Pisces eyes: Monkey
Pisces eyes: Asian Water Monitor
Pisces eyes: Mount Kinabalu. Wildlife & Plants.
Pisces eyes: Mount Kinabalu. Wildlife & Plants.
Pisces eyes: Finger licking good
Pisces eyes: I'm Adam the apes.
Pisces eyes: Ebony and Ivory.
Pisces eyes: Yellow-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus goiavier jambu)
Pisces eyes: Oriental Magpie Robin.
Pisces eyes: Oriental Magpie Robin.
Pisces eyes: Pacific Swallow
Pisces eyes: Asian Glossy Starling.
Pisces eyes: Asian Glossy Starling.
Pisces eyes: Flamingo
Pisces eyes: Yellow-billed Stork
Pisces eyes: I see you below me....
Pisces eyes: Spot-billed Pelican.