herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: Found another black and white from the day
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: Pabst Blue Ribbon Art
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: Leaning to get the shot
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: Spring was pretty, wasn't it?
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: Another shot from Mel's Jeep
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: They're growing up so fast!!
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: That was a beautiful sunrise today.
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: Sushi is better with colorful drinks.
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: Sunset over Falcon Heights
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: I found a new favorite soda
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: Thupergroup at O'Gara's