herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: Jessica phoning in her last will and testament
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: This is just cruel!!
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: Jessica ready to jump
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: Last in the plane, first one to jump.
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: Coming around for the landing at about 1000 ft
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: Preparing to land...
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: And I'm rolling with it...
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: Uh, you can get up now, Slick.
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: Helping to gather the chute
herecomesanothersongaboutmexico: feet, calves, thighs, butt, back