Margaret the Novice: Damselfly willow emerald Suffolk 2.10.2014
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly male Willow Emerald Rendlesahm 10.9.2014 (1).
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly female willow emerald in nettles Butley 22.8.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly ensnared in web Jacks 7.7.2014
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly emerald Jacks 7.7.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly male azure Jacks 7.7.2014
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly blue mating Jacks 7.7.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly azure Strumpshaw 23.6.2014
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly red Little Ouse Suffolk 31.5.2014
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly common maybe Little Ouse Suffolk 31.5.2014
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly banded male Little Ouse PART 2 31.5.2014 (3)
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly banded male Little Ouse 31.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly banded male head Little Ouse 31.5.2014
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly blue-tailed damsel fly (Ischnura elegans rufescens). with friend 26.5.2014
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly large red 26.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly emerging 26.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly common blue maybe 26.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly azure 26.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice: Damselflies azure making more 26.5.2014 (4)
Margaret the Novice: Damselflies azure making more 26.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly female Blue-tailed Damselfly of the rufescens form. Sufolk 16.5.2014
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly azure Suffolk 16.5.2014 (2)
Margaret the Novice: Ant eating dead damselfly Rendlesham (1)
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly newly emerged 14,5,2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly willow emerald Jacks 12.8.2013 (1)
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly emerald Jacks 12.8.2013 (1)
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly common blue mating Cavenham Heath 10.8.2013 (4)
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly common blue male Cavenham Heath 10.8.2013
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly willow emerald male Rendlesham 9.8.2013
Margaret the Novice: Damselfly willow emerald female Rendlesham 9.8.2013 (1)