Margaret the Novice:
Fly caddis halesus radiatus Jacks 7.10.2012 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Fly crane Suffolk 2.10.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Fly caddis Suffolk 2.10.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly robber on the job Butley 22.8.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Fly crane nephrotoma crocta Hampshire 25.7.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly flesh fly mating Jacks 7.7.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Fly hover Volucella pellucens Suffolk 26.6.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly Hover marmalade Suffolk 26.6.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Hover fly Eristalis pertinax Strumpshaw 23.6.2014. (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Fly siscus ferrugineus Strumpshaw 23.6.2014. (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Fly hover helophilus pendulus Strumpshaw 23.6.2014.
Margaret the Novice:
Fly crane spotted Mull 12.6.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Moth grass type Little Ouse Suffolk 31.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly mayfly ephemera danica Little Ouse Suffolk 31.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Fly alder fly Little Ouse 31.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly scorpion Little ouse Suffolk 31.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly Scorpion female maybe Little Ouse Suffolk 31.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly mayfly ephemera vulgata Little Ouse Suffolk 31.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Fly mayfly ephemera danica Little Ouse Suffolk 31.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Fly but what is it Type of wasp or sawfly Siblands 30.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly hover Parhelophilus on water iris 26.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly hover Anasimyia contracta 26.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly hover Volucella pellucens 26.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider with damselfly in web 26.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Fly Sawfly Tenthredo mesomela Sufolk 23.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly Scorpion with prey Suffolk 23.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Fly Dance fly Suffolk 23.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly hover Episyrphus balteatus Suffolk 23.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly May fly ephemera vulgata Suffolk 23.5.2014 (3)
Margaret the Novice:
Fly May fly ephemera vulgata Suffolk 23.5.2014 (2)