Margaret the Novice:
Fly caddis halesus radiatus Jacks 7.10.2012 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Bug Juniper Shield bug Siblands 28.10.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Curlew in hunting mode as tide comes in Titchwell 23.9.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Butterfly comma feeding on blackberries Rendlesham 10.9.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly hover basking Butley 22.8.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Fly robber on the job Butley 22.8.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Cricket bush Roesels Suffolk 13.8.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Butterfly large white 13.8.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Grasshopper Suffolk 3.7.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Bee-mimicking hoverfly. Volucella bombylans Suffolk 26.56.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Bug capsid dryophilocoris flavoquadrimaculatus Strumpshaw 23.6.2014. (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Ants milking aphids Suffolk 21.6.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Fly crane fly spotted 26.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Weevil fig wort Little Ouse 31.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly mayfly ephemera danica Little Ouse Suffolk 31.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Lacewing Little Ouse 31.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Fly scorpion Little ouse Suffolk 31.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly Scorpion female maybe Little Ouse Suffolk 31.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly mayfly ephemera vulgata Little Ouse Suffolk 31.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Weevil phyllobius pomaceus Little Ouse 31.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Weevil Figwort Weevil on Buddlea leaf Siblands 30.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Snails garden love at snails pace Siblands 30.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Snail water surfing 26.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly hover Anasimyia contracta 26.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly hover Volucella pellucens 26.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Fly Sawfly Tenthredo mesomela Sufolk 23.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Ladybird harliquin Suffolk 13.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Fly Scorpion with prey Suffolk 23.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Fly hover Episyrphus balteatus Suffolk 23.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Alder fly ensnared in web Suffolk 16.5.2014 (1)