Margaret the Novice:
Spider Amaurobius similis or Lace-weaver Spider but very active Siblands 22.10.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Spiders Metellina segmentata female Suffolk 2.10.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Spiders Metellina segmentata family meal dispute Suffolk 2.10.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider One of the Tetragnatha species maybe Jacks 7.7.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Spider mystery Little Ouse Suffolk 31.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Spider crab type Little Ouse Suffolk 31.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Spider wolf type with egg sack Little Ouse Suffolk 31.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Crab spider with Weevil phyllobius pomaceus Little Ouse 31.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider Agelena labyrinthica, in funnel web 26.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Spider with damselfly in web 26.5.2014 (5)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider with damselfly in web 26.5.2014 (4)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider with damselfly in web 26.5.2014 (3)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider with damselfly in web 26.5.2014 (2)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider with damselfly in web 26.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider Araniella opisthographa. an orb spider Suffolk 23.5.2014
Margaret the Novice:
Alder fly ensnared in web Suffolk 16.5.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider Argyroneta aquatica might be Alopecosa Tisted 16.4.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider mystery in water mating or with prey Tisted 10.4.2014 (1) PART 1
Margaret the Novice:
Spider Alopecosa female maybe Tisted 14.4.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider Alopecosa female water maybe Tisyted 14.4.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider male Alopecosa in water Tisted 10.4.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider Salticus scenicus Zebra Jumping spider Holesley 30.3.2014 (5)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider Salticus scenicus Zebra Jumping spider Holesley 30.3.2014 (3)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider Salticus scenicus Zebra Jumping spider Holesley 30.3.2014 (2)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider Salticus scenicus Zebra Jumping spider Holesley 30.3.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider Salticus scenicus Zebra Jumping spider Holesley 30.3.2014 (4)
Margaret the Novice:
Tit Longtail with nesting material Suffolk 8.3.2014 (1) PART 2
Margaret the Novice:
Tit Longtail with nesting material Suffolk 8.3.2014 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Mouse field cunning plan mission accomplished Siblands 23.10.2013 (1)
Margaret the Novice:
Spider pisaura mirabilis. Nursery web spider in bracken Jacks 12.8.2013 (1)