gc1: 1st Birthday
gc1: Clem, Courtney & Kate
gc1: New mom
gc1: baby wagon
gc1: rollin'
gc1: Clemence likes to point..
gc1: The Capitol
gc1: Capitol
gc1: Family shot
gc1: more pointing
gc1: Speaker's Balcony
gc1: Speaker's Balcony
gc1: Kate
gc1: Kate
gc1: mr sheep
gc1: attempted cuddle
gc1: courtney love
gc1: back to back they faced each other...
gc1: plotting
gc1: poser
gc1: Kate!
gc1: late night grillin'
gc1: Clemence's 1st Birthday
gc1: Clemence's 1st Birthday
gc1: Clemence's 1st Birthday
gc1: Clemence's 1st Birthday
gc1: Clemence's 1st Birthday
gc1: Clemence's 1st Birthday