rve13: IMGP9727
rve13: IMGP0231
rve13: IMGP0255
rve13: picasabackground-022
rve13: Ann's found material sculpture
rve13: Self portrait in a puddle.
rve13: A selfie with Ann
rve13: My reflection on the Everett bus in Seattle
rve13: My la Pavoni and me.
rve13: Frank
rve13: Self in art deco creamer
rve13: Self portrait
rve13: Killing time at Jane Phillips Hospital
rve13: Life window
rve13: Symmetry
rve13: Dimensions at Krispy Kreme
rve13: More from the Krispy Kreme window
rve13: Self portrait on the trail
rve13: Standing on the lake
rve13: Reflection of Krispy Kreme
rve13: Little bubbles
rve13: Self portrait in the lake
rve13: An unexpected shot
rve13: Self portrait at Swedish
rve13: Hanging out with Panther
rve13: Triple Exposure
rve13: Sunset in the Mirror
rve13: Self
rve13: Ripple Waves on the Tide
rve13: The Edge of the Puddle